Bank Street College of Education

Bank Street College of Education

Updated On: January 26, 2015

Description:  Bank Street College of Education was contracted by Pro Set because of their reputation in the education world.  They negotiated a deal to have Bank Street writers pen the text on the backs of the cards.  Mrs. Emily oversaw the project and wrote the occasional set.  She worked closely with a Pro Set employee, Miss/Mrs. Y (ask for permission), Marketing Director for Pro Set, and people at the Smithsonian Institution (unknown at present time) to develop these sets.

Process: Mrs. Y and/or other Pro Set employees would pick out the pictures and topics and send them over to Bank Street College.  The topics were used as-is or sometimes modified.  Then, the copy was written by Mrs. Emily or one of their writers and sent back to Pro Set.  After set up, Pro Set sent them back to Bank Street College for final editing and/or correction.

Renegotiation:  Pro Set began having financial difficulties and renegotiated their contract.  Mrs. Emily said they got a great deal and the burden of writing the text fell to her alone.

Additional Information:  Bank Street did not write the text on all the cards.  Although they worked on many, Mrs. Emily revealed that they did the first presidents set, 1-9. I have not been able to find out if Pro Set employees or another entity was contracted to do the rest.

Notes:  If you have any further information, please email me at 1990proset at Gmail dot com.  A HUGE THANK YOU to Mrs. Emily whom had a lot of new information about these cards!!!

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